CSV Anonymizer

This site anonymizes CSV files by replacing a set of columns you specify with a secure digest of those columns.
If you choose a strong secret phrase, keep it secret, and don't include corresponding/correlated unredacted data,
it is computationally infeasible to reconstruct the original data from the digest.
This allows effective irrecoverable redaction of selected content while still permitting searchability of unredacted content
and mergeability across multiple CSV files which would have been linkable by the redacted content.
With this tool, you can easily simultaneously satisfy requirements/desires to both
protect certain (e.g. personally identifiable) information and to share other information (e.g. for research or transparency purposes).
The redacted/anonymized CSV file preserves the integrity of unredacted data much better than
e.g. attempting optical character recognition on records that have been redacted via printing and "black boxing" or similar.
It works completely locally offline, not uploading your original or modified data file to any server.

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